Enhance your personal psychological resilience and effectively navigate through the challenges of a fast paced and every-changing work environment. Resilience provides a foundation for good mental health and wellbeing. Approximately two in five Australians aged 16-85 will experience a mental health condition during their lifetime. As part of the manufacturing industry, which employs 185,000 Queensland workers, we collectively play a vital role in protecting and supporting our community’s mental health.
Our course is designed to support manufacturing industry employees. It equips them with six evidence-based tools to navigate change, challenge, and adversity more effectively. Participants will gain an understanding of resilience characteristics, behaviours and attitudes, identifying individual strengths and creating a personal resilience action plan.
Upon completing the course, you’ll have access to our eToolkit. This resource provides practical online materials to reinforce your understanding of resilience and easily access tip sheets, fact sheets and multimedia resources.